Friday, May 9, 2008

Facebook War

The war on gas is a very prevalent one, especially in the United States. Gas is hitting an all time high, said to be on it's way to 4 dollars per unleaded gallon, and that's not even considering higher grades of gasoline. We need to do something about this excruciating, costly war we as citizens face daily; But, alas! a solution has been developed. In the facebook group "Gas war!!! please join and read!!! ( " A solution has been developed in the form of boycotting certain gasoline giants rather than gasoline itself. The creator pleas that, if we boycott Exxon and Mobil, the two biggest gasoline providers in the country, that oil companies will be forced to understand that the buyer controls the market, not the seller. I think this idea is very intelligent, but unfortunately, a facebook group isn't enough to get the point across. There has been other plans in the past year, "Do not get gas day!" or "boycott driving your car day!," but those will never work because people will always think of convenience before economically helping our country. This idea is different because it doesn't ban us from using our cars, which are extremely necessary to most. This idea provides the concrete notion of what to do; if only the majority of facebook users were old enough to drive, we'd be back down to $1.50 a gallon in no time.

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